acupuncture FAQs


Q:  What does acupuncture feel like?  Do the needles hurt?   A:  When the acupuncturist places your needles it is common to feel a little pinch, mild sting or dull achy sensation.  It should not be painful.  Some people are more sensitive than others, so we adjust our technique and the gauge of needles according to each person’s response.  We’ve needled many nervous first-timers and their responses are most commonly “that’s it? I barely felt anything!”.

Q:  Can you treat my back or hip pain if I’m seated in a recliner with my clothes on?  Don’t you need to put the needle exactly where I’m feeling pain?  A:  Low back pain, hip pain and sciatica are a few of the most common conditions we treat in our practice.  These conditions tend to respond extremely well to acupuncture, even when no needles are placed at the site of pain. Amazingly, there are acupuncture points located all over the body which are indicated for conditions occurring elsewhere. We specialize in a distal style of needling and have extensive clinical experience effectively treating all types of conditions with this method.

Q:  How do I know when I feel done and ready to end my treatment?  A:  Most people feel drowsy or fall asleep during treatment.  You’ll know you’re ready to go when you feel like you’re rested, ready to get moving or possibly a little restless.  It’s pretty similar to the way you feel after you’ve woken up naturally.  We recommend taking at least 30 minutes for your treatment.

Q:  Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?  A:  Yes!  Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to alleviate many discomforts commonly associated with pregnancy.  In addition, acupuncture can be used to help promote a more efficient labor.  In fact, many midwives and obstetricians refer their pregnant patients to Acupuncture Together.

Q:  How does acupuncture work?  A: For an informative, easy to understand discussion about how acupuncture works and what it’s good for, we suggest reading Why Did You Put That Needle There?  For a more scientific explanation, we recommend reading Chinese Medicine Demystified.

Q:  Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work?  Is it just a placebo effect?  A: Acupuncture works on animals, and animals don’t have beliefs about acupuncture (yes, veterinary acupuncture exists – and is common for dogs and horses in particular!).

Q: Can I exercise, go to a yoga class, get a massage, go to physical therapy, etc. before or after acupuncture?  A: Yes, you can combine acupuncture with any other type of health care or exercise at any time.  We encourage you to do any other activities that help you to feel your best.